Saturday, January 18, 2014

So it has been 16 days since my arrival in Joensuu, Finland and I have postponed my blogging until now and for that I apologize.  So I shall do my best to get you up to speed on my experiences in Finland thus far and will try to include all major plot points! Also to maintain consistency, I am thinking that a post every two weeks should suffice since it has been this span of time that has actually motivated me to finally sit down and do this so here goes.....  upon arriving in Helsikini the appearance of nearly every Finnish person i encountered lived up to my expectation, very tall very blonde, very Aryan. However once i arrived in Joensuu, i found there to be a great deal more variety as far as appearance goes.  This is largely due to the fact that Joensuu is a town mostly occupied by students from Finland as well as many other European, African, and Asian nations.  In fact the nation i have found to be the least represented amongst the student body is the United States, from where i have met only 3 others (two from Ohio 1 from Montana).  But let me back up to day one the most crucial day of all where i met nearly no-one except for the bus driver (who spoke no english and left me on the side of the road with 2, 50lb suitcases), 2 very kind American Mormon boys ( helped me with bags and navigation, and the very bland lady at the housing office (bland).  I got off the plane in Joensuu and was told by my study abroad tutor to take a bus into town as opposed to a cab which I did gladly.  however i did not anticipate being left at the bus stop on the side of the road with my two big-ass suite cases by a bus driver whose english could not even point me in the direction of the taxi office. so with no phone at this point except my American phone (which my mom would kill me if i were to use it) it was up to me and my two fun-sized hands to find the housing office.... during my pathetic shlep-age towards the housing office whose address was unknown to me... i flag down two nice looking boys for directions who happened to be Mormon and American ( I could hardly contain my excitement).  they each took a bag and walked me to the office.  once they got me there we said our goodbyes and i received an invite to their church (which i considered for a very brief moment given their generosity).  at this point all had left to do was get my key from the lady at housing and catch a cab to my flat (50 min walk from town).  once i got there i found that the last tenant who was an Austrian student left me nearly everything that i needed to make my flat a home including pots pans, internet modem, blankets pillows, and even so decor.  set everything up made some tea and looked out my cute little window in amazement that i had finally gotten here! after my pensive window moment i crashed hard in attempts to readjust to Finnish time.... and that concludes day one.... ps day two is a snooze (literally i slept the entire sec

ond day) so the next entry will feature roughly the 3rd and 4th day where actual events did occur so stay tuned! oh and here are so pics of my flat!

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