Thursday, March 20, 2014

The following week the university had a scheduled sports day where students could either do snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding, or hiking in Koli National park.  I had Climate Change law and policy class during this time so I was unable to attend any of these events unfortunately.  I was however able to make it to the after-party later that night at, once again, Kerubi the same place where I saw Stamina.  To my surprise the bouncers at the club remembered me from the weekend and apparently found me to be very funny because they started smiling and laughing once they saw me (I don't even want to know).  Before the event at Kerubi I met up with several girls who are also exchange students at Marx Rock Bar for a few half priced beers!  We were a very diverse group representing a variety of nationalities.  Aly Wright and I representing the US of A, Maja and Mairake representing Germany, Giulia from Italy, Becky and Katrina from the UK, and Daniela from Portugal.  It was quite a fun time dancing with all these gals even if we were nearly the only people on the dance floor (well us and two Finnish boys from our school who showed us up by doing the moonwalk and other such classic moves).

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